Kearney Dog Sled Races FAQ

The KDSR has been in operation since 1994. Ontario’s largest dog sled racing event comes to “Ontario’s biggest little town” every year. Kearney is a quaint community of 800 people, located just north of Huntsville, Ontario.
The Town of Kearney and the KDSR Advisory Committee works tirelessly for nearly 6 months of the year to plan this outstanding community event.
We hope to answer all of your biggest questions here! If you need to reach out for further information, email us any time at

FAQ for Spectators
When is the race?
Our race typically takes place every year on the 2nd weekend in February. Races run between 9:00am - 4:00pm Saturday and Sunday.
Where is the race held?
You can find our race grounds at the Royal Canadian Legion - 58 Park Road, Kearney, ON.
Where can I park?
There is spectator parking inside of the town baseball diamond. It is located just before the Legion building on Park Road. Musher Parking is distributed between the main lot to the right of the Legion and secondary parking at the ball diamond.
Is this a child-friendly event?
Absolutely yes! We have many free children's activities such as Pet-a-Pup Pitstop, our annual colouring contest, and a race grounds scavenger hunt. We also have dog sled rides for a fee.
What is there to do besides watching the races?
- Scavenger hunt for kids. All successful scavengers will receive a FREE hot chocolate!
- Pet-a-pup pitstop where you can pet some fluffy pups and ask questions about sled dogs.
- Vendors market outside to the left of the Legion all weekend long.
- Silent auction open for bits all weekend until Sunday afternoon.
- Colouring contest for kids. Prizes awarded on Sunday evening at the awards banquet.
- Grab a drink and a meal inside of the Legion.
- Shop at our souvenirs table.
Can I bring my dog to watch?
There are no pets allowed. Kindly leave your pets at home. The race is an overwhelming place for a pet dog. Sled dogs are working dogs. They are not trained to manage their energy and behaviour at the races.
What else is in the area?
Check out our Visitors page for info on accommodations, food, attractions, and more!
FAQ for Mushers
Is the Saturday morning musher's meeting mandatory?
You will receive your bib for day 1, racing rules, information on trail conditions, and other pertinent information about the event.
What is the race class mileage?
- 8 Dog Sled (9 Mi)
- 6 Dog Sled (6 Mi)
- 2 Dog Skijor (4.2 Mi)
- 1 Dog Skijor (4.2 Mi)
- 4 Dog Sled (4.2 mi)
- 2 Dog Sled (2.5 mi)
- I-Kid-Arod (100m dash)
What are the trails like?
Our network of trails glides through everything the Almaguin Highlands has to offer - winding trails through thick forest, open fields with views of the rolling hills, and lots of ups and downs. There are no water or ice crossings. There are some challenging sections of trails where hills are significant. There are also sections where turns are sharp. We mark trails specifically to let mushers know where they can expect hills or turns. We recommend ample training time on hills with your team before our race or, where that is not possible, practice lots of resistance training.
How are the races timed?
Everyone is given a bib on Saturday morning at the mandatory mushers meeting. You must take off your bib and give it to the volunteer collecting them at the end of your race. You get another bib reflecting your position in the pack on day 2 at the morning mushers meeting.
Is the event open for spectators and the public?
Please be courteous, kind, and helpful when interacting with the public. KDSR has thousands of families and spectators who visit our event this year. We are a community friendly event with lots of activities, vendors, dog sled rides, food, and drink. Your behaviour will determine how people view Mushers and the sport of dogsledding. Don't be "that" person.
NEW 2025 - All mushers will be given a "stop sign" which is RED or GREEN to place visibly on their dog trucks/vehicles.
- RED = No petting please. GREEN = Petting and interactions allowed with permission.
- There is large signage in the dog yard for spectators explaining the stop sign system so that they are aware of which mushers welcome interaction, and which teams need more privacy.
- If you have any concerns about spectators, protestors, or suspicious activity around your dog truck kindly ask them to move out of your space. For additional support, seek out a race volunteer immediately.
Are kicksleds allowed?
Our 2 Dog Sportsman class allows Kicksleds but it must have a brush bow on the front, a break, and snow hook for safety. The break must be a claw style break and not a drag mat. Kicksleds will be inspected by our race marshal.
Can my child enter a race?
The 2 Dog Sled Sportsman Class is open for Junior Mushers between the ages of 14-18 with parental approval. Mushers under 14 are subject to additional specific approval by our Race Marshal but may be permitted.
Children ages 5-12 may register in our I-Kid-Arod class.
Where do I park?
Vehicles with trailers will be directed to park in the large parking lot beside the Legion.
Vehicles with no trailers / skijor / 2 dog sled participants will be directed to park in secondary parking next to the baseball diamond. Please do NOT bring dogs inside of the baseball diamond.
Your spot on day 1 is your spot on day 2 - no exceptions! This is a health and safety protocol for all animals.
If you choose to "pre-save" a spot on Friday night, be prepared to be asked to move if your spot is infringing on the flow of parking for everyone else.
Can I camp with my dogs?
Sure! Camping is allowed if you're brave enough. Understand you will have no access to facilities and basic amenities while the race is not running. There is a port-a-potty in the dog yard. No campfires are permitted. Please leave no trace; clean up after yourself.
Where do I get water for dogs?
Unfortunately our race site has no water outdoors. Please haul in your water.
Where can I dump my waste and Dog poop?
There is a large waste bin in the large musher's parking lot available to everyone thanks to generous sponsorship by Waste Connections Canada. Please bring a shovel, rake, and an empty dog food bag to clean up your space daily.
Why is there a cap on entries?
We introduced a CAP of 100 REGISTRATIONS TOTAL (excluding I-Kid-Arod kids) for 2025 and onward. This is to ensure we stay on schedule as much as possible, allow for enough musher parking, and ensure the integrity of the event is protected.
If the cap is reached prior to registrations closing, we will create a waitlist. If there are any cancellations we will reach out to those on the wait list to try and fill the spots. Registration for all races will close on February 3, 2025 at 8pm. Any open spots will be given to waitlisted participants. Those on the waiting list will be contacted in order of entries received.
What happens if I feel bullied or feel bullying has occurred?
If ANY Musher, handler, or spectator attending the race in association with a racer is found to be abusing (verbally, physically, emotionally, etc.) any other mushers or any of our volunteers - including race officials, committee leads, trail help, or individuals acting in any official capacity supporting our event - you will be asked to leave the race. If you are asked to leave, you will not be welcome to register in the event in the future.
Full participant conduct rules can be found here.
Town of Kearney Bylaws/ Integrity Commissioner.
What if I need to cancel my registration?
In order to receive a full refund, cancellations need to be made on or before January 13, 2025. If for any reason you need to cancel after January 13 2025 and the spots are not filled, there will be no refund available. If the spots are filled by a new entry there will be a 90% refund issued (10% administration fee).
I registered late and am on the waiting list. Now what?
Registration for all races will close on February 3, 2025 at 8pm. Any open spots will be given to waitlisted participants. Those on the waiting list will be contacted in order of entries received.
What happens to my registration if the race is cancelled?
If the Kearney Dog Sled Race needs to cancel at any time/for any reason we will offer a FULL refund for entry fees. Should this occur, anyone choosing not to receive a refund and donate their entry to the race would be issued a tax receipt and a sincere thank you for contributing to the ongoing success of the event.
How do I e-transfer my registration fee?
Etransfers can be sent to
The following information MUST be included or the email etransfer will not be accepted:
- Musher Name and address
- Description of what the etransfer is for: Ex. KDSR entry fee for 4 dog sled and 2 dog skijor
- Security question needs to be “Town of”
- Security answer needs to be “Kearney”
Once the e-transfer has been completed, an email MUST be sent to the Dog Sled Committee confirming the payment has been sent:
Payment can also be made via cheque payable to the Town of Kearney, paypal, or debit/credit at the town office.