Kearney Dog Sled Races Sponsors
Without the many generous and dedicated sponsors the Kearney Dog Sled Races couldn't happen. Each sponsor dedicates funds or resources to help make the Kearney Dog Sled Races the largest dog sledding event in Ontario. As a small thank you we provide many of our sponsors with their own page here on the Kearney Dog Sled Races website, so please take a moment to look at their page for more details about their local business and the race they sponsor. We have enjoyed a great relationship with local businesses that have been so generous as to sponsor our event, and we very much appreciate each and every one of them. Our sponsors are vital to our event, and Race Weekend brings a much-needed boost to the local economy in the middle of winter. Please consider becoming a sponsor for the future of the Kearney Dog Sled Races. More information is available on this website, or by contacting info@kearneydogsledraces.ca
How to Become a Sponsor
If you would like to become a sponsor for this year's race please contact us and we'll supply you with a race sponsorship package.
Special Awards Sponsors
Dog Care Excellence
Lifetime Achievement
Awarded by our on-site veterinarian to the musher who exemplifies exceptional animal husbandry over the course of the race weekend
A musher nominated honor for the person who demonstrates amazing teamwork, kindness, and care of others around them throughout the weekend.
New in 2025 - The Race Committee is committing to recognizing individuals who have contributed to the KDSR race over an extended period of time. These are positive role models within the sled dog community and/or outstanding local citizens who are integral to the longevity of the race.
Volunteer Award
Awarded to an outstanding volunteer who goes above and beyond to support the race over the course of the weekend.

Mentorship Award
The musher who goes out of their way to help support other competitors or junior mushers to be successful in their race is awarded the Mentorship Award.

Best Wipe-Out Award
We all fall down sometimes! Best Wipe-out is awarded to the musher who has a hiccup along the way, but maintains a positive attitude and comes back strong after their mishap on the trail.